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Outer Wilds Voice Acting Mod

This mod will soon add voice acting to all Outer Wilds characters! Hearthians, Nomai, the Prisoner, and even you. The mod's not yet finished. All characters are fully voiced, but the files are currently being mixed for the final version. Check here for progress updates on the mixing. All voice acting has been gathered by the community. The Discord is where it all went down.

There's also addon support! Check here if you want to add your own voice lines.


Krevace Project Director, Programmer

JohnCorby Project Manager, Programmer

Trifid Project Moderator

JustARogueAI Annona VA

Kiki Willows Arkose VA

solemn lemon Avens VA

Kiki Willows Bells VA

ThiccShibe Bromi VA

Trifid Bur VA

Sasquatch Canna VA

Mutant_Cacti Cassava VA

Jenywlfersn Chert VA

Kiki Willows Clary VA

Rachel Ilan Clem VA

ComTom Coleus VA

Blue Nip 《馮康》 Conoy VA

Tamir Ilan Cycad VA

Asleep0natra1n Daz VA

Trifid Din VA

Nickster Escall VA

Gurdy Enjoyer Esker VA

Chronarch Eye Museum Chorus VA

ComTom Eye Museum Chorus VA

Lexi Eye Museum Chorus VA

Jenywlfersn Eye Museum Chorus VA

matak12m Eye Museum Chorus VA

Mutant_Cacti Eye Museum Chorus VA

Asleep0natra1n Eye Museum Chorus VA

Poketchu Eye Museum Chorus VA

Shiloh Kae Eye Museum Chorus VA

Speedbun Eye Museum Chorus VA

Embor12 Eye Museum Chorus VA

Jenywlfersn Feldspar VA

KillerChara177 Filix VA

Chronarch Gabbro VA

Shiloh Kae Galena VA

Blue Nip 《馮康》 Gneiss VA

Tamir Ilan Gossan VA

Coyote Starch Hal VA

ImFloof Hornfels VA

Asleep0natra1n Hyssop VA

Agonarch Idaea VA

ThatTrandomGuy Ilex VA

Asleep0natra1n Kousa VA

Speedbun Laevi VA

Rachel Ilan Lami VA

Zinc Mallow VA

InhumanBaron Marl VA

Lealdade Melorae VA

JohnCorby Mica VA

Speedbun Mitis VA

Trifid Moraine VA

The Lore Explorer Museum VA

Speedbun Neem VA

Laundryjx Old Nomai Computers VA

Speedbun New Nomai Computers VA

Fionn McManamon Oeno VA

ImFloof Phlox VA

Embor12 Plume VA

sunshinemcgee Poke VA

Speedbun Porphy VA

Asleep0natra1n Prisoner VA

Shiloh Kae Privet VA

Jenywlfersn Protagonist VA

Lexi Pye VA

sunshinemcgee Ramie VA

Sasquatch Rhus VA

Embor12 Riebeck VA

matak12m Root VA

Lexi Rutile VA

Speedbun Secca VA

Krevace Slate VA

ChaosChaos Solanum VA

Shiloh Kae Child Solanum VA

Asleep0natra1n Spinel VA

Chronarch Spire VA

Trifid Taget VA

pandisia Tektite VA

Shiloh Kae Tephra VA

Embor12 Thatch VA

Asleep0natra1n Tuff VA

Chronarch Yarrow VA

Known Bugs

If you have the Translator Auto-Equip setting disabled, then pausing the game won't pause audio. Unfortunately, this is a vanilla issue and really doesn't matter enough to be fixed.

Having white space URL escape codes in the asset filepath such as %20 or %2B makes Unity Web Request 404. Just don't include weird strings in your folder names psycho.

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